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News Radio, the Talk of the Town

1 minute read | February 2017

During election years, Americans are eager to stay up-to-date with information regarding the presidential race to the White House. With radio reaching 93% of U.S. consumers each week, according to Nielsen’s latest Comparable Metrics Report, it’s no surprise that listeners tune to News Radio formats more than in non-election years in the lead up to November 11.  

In 2012, News Radio audience levels spiked during the election year, and 2016 proved to be no different. The News Radio format gained significant listenership across personal people meter (PPM) markets in 2016 and was the No. 1 ranked format among persons aged 6 and older. Weekly listenership rose by 2 million from 2015, as audiences were highly interested and invested in the unique election season.

Although last year’s election has now come to an end, much of the political buzz remains front and center, and we’ll have to stay tuned for how the format performs in 2017. 

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