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Historical TV Ratings Democratic Conventions

1 minute read | August 2008

2004Total- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOXNC14.3*15,537,000*
2000Total- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOXNC15.3**15,380,000**
1996Total– ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS17.216,418,000
1992Total– ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS2220,500,000
1988Total– ABC, CBS, NBC19.817,400,000
1984Total– ABC, CBS, NBC23.419,500,000
1980Total– ABC, CBS, NBC2720,700,000
1976Total– ABC, CBS, NBC25.217,400,000
1972Total– ABC, CBS, NBC18.311,400,000
1968Total– ABC, CBS, NBC28.516,200,000
1964Total– ABC, CBS, NBC28.814,695,000
1960Total– ABC, CBS, NBC29.213,216,000
Source: The Nielsen Company (1960 – 2004)
Presidential nominating conventions are held in July and August with the party holding the Presidency scheduling its convention last. Changes in the parties’ primary system have impacted the conventions in recent campaigns.
*2004 data based on the sum of Dem. Convention Coverage during Common Coverage Time Periods: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOXNC = Mon, Wed, Thur. 10-11:00pm; CNN, MSNBC, FOXNC = Tues appr. 10-11pm.
**2000 data based on the sum of Dem. Convention Coverage during Common Coverage Time periods: ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOXNC = Mon appr. 10-11:45p, and Tues through Thurs. appr. 10-11pm; NBC= Mon 10:30-11:45p, Wed-Thu 10-11pm; CBS=Wed-Thu appr. 10-11pm

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