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Movie Marketers, Meet Your Ideal Audience

1 minute read | October 2008

It may come as no surprise, but now the proof has arrived: males under 25 and females over 25 have almost polar opposite tastes in movies. 

That’s one of many findings from Nielsen PreView’s new Movie Partnership Calculator, which allows marketers to match upcoming movie titles with specific demographic targets.  The calculator uses survey data profiles from Nielsen Entertainment’s MarketNavigator to identify movies that are likely to resonate with key demographic groups.

For now, mothers and their young sons may struggle to agree on movies, but there’s hope for date night.  According to Nielsen’s calculator, males and females under 25 share a taste for raunchy comedies and franchise horror flicks, like “Role Models” and “Saw V” — due in theaters later this fall.

Find out which movie audiences are likely to see future movie releases — go to Nielsen’s calculator.

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