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The Politics Of Beer

1 minute read | July 2009

Is the President Seeking to Connect with Mainstream America by Choosing Bud Light?

The White House announced that the President will be drinking Bud Light at tonight’s much-publicized “Beer Summit.” Consumer and media research firm Scarborough Research shows that Bud Light is also the beer choice for politically mainstream Americans. Bud Light drinkers (ages 21+) have no distinct political profile. They are just as likely as all drinking-age Americans to consider themselves Democrat, Republican, or Independent, and are average for voting in presidential, statewide and local elections. Bud Light drinkers are also average for being registered to vote.

  Total U.S. Population (age 21+,%) Bud Light Drinkers* (age 21+, %)
Regardless of how you may have voted in the past, do you consider yourself a…    
Democrat 30 27
Republican 27 28
Independent 10 10
Independent, but feel closer to Democrat 9 9
Independent, but feel closer to Republican 8 9
None of these 16 17
How often do you usually vote in presidential elections?    
Always or Sometimes 82 81
How often do you usually vote in statewide elections?    
Always or Sometimes 75 73
How often do you usually vote in local elections?    
Always or Sometimes 73 71
Are you registered to vote in district where you live?    
Yes 82 80
No 18 20
Contributed money to a political organization during the past 12 months (HHLD)    
Political 9 8
Source: Scarborough Research, Scarborough USA+ Study, Release 2 2008

 * Bud Light Drinkers are adults 21+ who drank a Bud Light during the past month.

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