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Nielsen Annual Auto Marketing Report: Drive Connections with Multicultural Consumers

2 minute read | July 2020

Technology has transformed the way consumers shop for cars, and the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is accelerating this pre-existing trend. Data has proven that many of the shifts in behavior we saw at the peak of the pandemic are here to stay and an enhanced online shopping experience will become the norm for many more industries.

As auto marketers transition to this new reality, reaching multicultural consumers should be a top priority. They’re younger and more digitally connected than the general population today, and they can offer invaluable insights on what to expect from all consumers in the near future.

Of course, they’re not just a preview of tomorrow’s consumers, they are tomorrow’s consumers: Already today, 40% of the U.S. population is multicultural. Within 25 years, it will be 50%.

When it comes to deciding to buy a new vehicle, multicultural consumers follow a unique and distinct path-to-purchase, often different from non-multicultural consumers. They have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic too, so connecting with them today is crucial to build lasting relationships.

Nielsen’s Annual Auto Marketing Report will help you understand how your multicultural customers stand apart when they embark on a journey to purchase a new vehicle—and help you spend your ad dollars as wisely as possible.

Learn more about:

  • How multicultural vehicle buyers move along the path-to-purchase versus the general car-buying population in terms of brand awareness, brand consideration and recall to advertising.
  • How the auto industry can combat growth challenges by connecting with multicultural consumers through tailored digital and omnichannel strategies.
  • Tactical recommendations for reaching Hispanic, Black and Asian American consumers in the moments that matter.

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