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Chinese Fans To Rely On Multimedia Olympics Coverage

1 minute read | August 2008

Like their counterparts in Europe and North America, Chinese Olympics fans are turning to multimedia sources for coverage of the 2008 Beijing Games, according to a recent Nielsen survey of Internet users in China.

In addition to watching the Games on TV, three of four people in China will keep abreast of Olympics events via streaming online video, one-third will rely on mobile phone text updates, and 14% will view video clips of the Games on their mobile phones, Nielsen’s survey found.

Two in 10 Chinese plan to use online video streaming as their main method of viewing this summer’s Olympics, while another two-thirds of Chinese will keep abreast of the Games via newspapers.

Many Chinese will also adjust their lifestyles to fit the Olympics schedule.  Nine in 10 plan to adapt their personal schedules to accommodate the Games, and 7 in 10 will change their working hours.

Another 30% said they will watch Olympics coverage at work, as many Chinese companies are making special arrangements for Olympics viewing during the work day.

View the full press release.

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