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Impartial digital ad measurement helps Mankind pharma account for every rupee spent

1 minute read | April 2021


Mankind Pharma is a leading pharmaceutical company in India, with a large portfolio of brands like Prega News, Manforce, KabzEnd, and AcneStar. With a wide array of brands, each catering to specific consumer needs, a laser-targeted digital strategy was essential for Mankind Pharma to effectively reach its consumers. To that end, the brand team planned and executed digital campaigns that were designed to engage a wide base of audiences and amplify all the company’s individual brands. Yet while the campaigns were planned to the T, the team only had self-reported metrics from the platforms to assess campaign performance.


Mankind Pharma needed a comprehensive validation of its campaign performance results to confidently scale its advertising efforts. The company also needed to be efficient with marketing budgets, necessitating the measurement of how far each media platform delivered on the marketing objectives. Since digital is a technology-driven medium, Mankind Pharma decided to leverage Nielsen’s impartial measurement solutions to monitor its targeting efficiency, identify underperforming platforms and detect ad fraud so that advertising can be served in a bot-free environment. 


Mankind Pharma used Nielsen data to measure and optimize the performance of its digital campaigns. Over two years, Nielsen and Mankind Pharma’s marketing team have collaborated to drive cost and media efficiencies across multiple digital campaigns.  

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