Insights | 27-07-2023
Counting every voice: How to power a better media future for all
Nielsen’s Chief Diversity Officer Sandra Sims-Williams and Chief Product Officer Deirdre Thomas discuss…
Insights | 27-07-2023
Nielsen’s Chief Diversity Officer Sandra Sims-Williams and Chief Product Officer Deirdre Thomas discuss…
Insights | 13-05-2020
If you think innovating can be hard normally, try doing it during a global pandemic. It can become downright…
Insights | 22-10-2019
En 2018, les distributeurs ont investi 2 milliards de dollars dans l’intelligence artificielle (IA),…
Insights | 06-05-2019
E-commerce, consumidor omnichannel, uso de Big Data no varejo e uso de tecnologia nos canais tradicionais são…
Insights | 11-12-2018
É indiscutível que o acesso à Internet, a tecnologia móvel e as inovações digitais estão redefinindo…
Insights | 01-11-2018
Data is everywhere. As our individual behaviors leave an ever-expanding data footprint, we are faced with the…
Insights | 16-08-2018
Marketers often think about how important it is to communicate all of a product’s key benefits to their…
Insights | 31-05-2018
Today, access to information is unprecedented, consumers are empowered to make smarter buying decisions and…
Insights | 07-12-2017
Gain insights from three recent, ground-breaking Nielsen studies that reinforce the important role that…
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