We’re proud to announce that, for the fourth consecutive year, Nielsen has been recognized for its performance against relevant global environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards, through inclusion on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Nielsen Holdings plc is a member of the Dow Jones North America Index.

To be considered for inclusion, companies are evaluated alongside their peers on criteria related to practices, policies and progress in key areas that create value for their business and the broader world. Inclusion in the index reflects a growing trend of investor interest in companies that are high-performing in terms of sustainable business management.
“We are thrilled to receive the great news that Nielsen was included in the 2020 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices,” said Andrea Bertels, VP, Global Responsibility & Sustainability, Nielsen. “Benchmarks like the DJSI provide us feedback that we are progressing in our ESG performances, as well as motivation and best practices to continue to improve.”
Our Global Responsibility & Sustainability strategy at Nielsen includes all ESG issues that affect our business, operations and all internal and external stakeholders. Our global teams work together to care for the communities and markets where we live and operate our business through responsible, sustainable business practices, with a focus on continuous improvement to unlock new and expanded value across Nielsen.
Launched in 1999, the DJSI were among the very first set of global indices to track the largest and leading sustainability-driven publicly listed companies. The DJSI combine rules-based index methodology of the S&P Dow Jones Indices with data from the SAM (now part of S&P Global) Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices.
For more information, please visit Nielsen’s latest Global Responsibility Report.