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The Nielsen Audio Podcast: The (Neuro)Science Behind Great Radio Ads

1 minute read | August 2019

Episode 5

How can broadcasters make their radio ads more memorable and more impactful with consumers? Neuroscience is how. 

Audio has a special intimacy with listeners and taps into certain reward centers in our brain – areas which can be studied with neuroscience, which has historically focused mainly on visual (TV) ads. Nowadays, with radio front and center again in the media mix among large advertisers, the same scrutiny around how to make effective ads which has been commonplace in TV for years, is now being applied to audio and radio. This episode welcomes Dr. Bradley Vines from Nielsen’s Neuroscience division to discuss best practices for making great radio commercials, the importance of sonic branding and the role of music in the creative toolbox.

Looking for more episodes? Subscribe to The Nielsen Audio Podcast on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher, and catch up on previous episodes on our Megaphone page.

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