Insights | 28-06-2022
Brands are tracking hashtags to find engaged audiences
Brands are betting big on influencers to convert viewers to buyers. And to find the perfect fit between…
Insights | 28-06-2022
Brands are betting big on influencers to convert viewers to buyers. And to find the perfect fit between…
Insights | 27-06-2022
LGBTQ+ influencers are making inroads with major publications and turning social celebrity into capital for…
Insights | 19-12-2016
With an endless stream of entertainment from movies to video games (not to mention an interesting political…
Insights | 16-11-2016
From TV and video games to movies and music, kids today have a lot of entertainment at their fingertips and a…
Insights | 18-08-2016
Digital platforms and devices have fundamentally transformed the undergraduate and graduate experience, but an…
Insights | 05-07-2016
With its handsome sales figures, ardent digital audience and swelling new sub-genres, today’s Romance book…
Insights | 29-06-2016
Shoppers today no longer simply go to the nearest store; they grab the nearest digital device. New data from…
Insights | 31-05-2016
Sales of traditional print books increased almost 3% in 2015, while sales of e-books dipped 13%. That said,…
Insights | 26-05-2016
No longer just your average girl-meets-boy story, the billion-dollar Romance book industry has enough…
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