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Nielsen TV: The Power of Influence Along the Latinx Consumer Journey

1 minute read | August 2019

With the benefit of 24/7 connectivity and the ability to crowd-source opinions with the tap of a screen, today’s path to purchase is rapidly being influenced by others. But for members of the Latinx* community, recommendations carry significantly more weight.

With 33% of Latinx consumers saying they prefer to buy items that their friends or neighbors would approve of, this group is 20% more likely to be influenced by others than the general U.S. population. When you consider that the U.S. Census Bureau expects this group to grow 82% over the next 30 years, the long-term implications for brands become that much more pronounced.

To better understand the “why” behind the power of influence within the Latinx community, we sat down with Stacie de Armas, VP, Strategic Initiatives & Consumer Engagement at Nielsen, who provided key insights about Latinx shopping preferences shortly after the recent release of Nielsen’s La Oportunidad Latinx: Cultural Currency and the Consumer Journey report.

*Nielsen uses the term Latinx to connote unspecified gender. The decision is a nod toward greater inclusion of women, LGBT+ and non-binary Hispanics and the growing popularity of the term in social media and academic writing.

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