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2 minute read | September 2021

The Truth About Connecting with U.S. Latinos

Hispanics have been the country’s key indicators of consumer sentiment since the COVID-19 crisis began. But for too long, this group has been viewed as a single segment. Aside from being the largest racial or ethnic group in the U.S., Latinos are a diverse, intersectional group with different experiences, perspectives and expectations. 

Latinos are a community of limitless diversity yet firmly connected by culture, language and shared experiences.

The U.S. Latino experience is hard to define and is often perceived as synonymous with the immigrant experience. But the truth is that most Latino youths are not immigrants. Two-thirds were born in the U.S. This young supergroup is optimistic about their futures and are bilingual and bi-cultural and place a high value on educational attainment and career success. This community also consumes media differently, and when it comes to inclusion and representation, has firm expectations of content creators, media platforms and brands/advertisers.

Latinos have notably increased their political power and are raising their voices everywhere from the boardroom to our classrooms to Capitol Hill. With Latino buying power projected to be $2.6 trillion in just about three years, America is taking note and so are brands and advertisers. Learn more about today’s U.S. Latino community, its intersectional identities and how brands can tailor their dialogue with America’s greatest untapped opportunity.

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