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Descubrimiento Digital: The Online Lives of Latinx Consumers

1 分钟阅读 | 2018 年 8 月

U.S. Hispanics are seeking to engage with brands that speak to them authentically. They are looking for brand experiences that are tailored, multi-faceted, with 360° touchpoints delivered by brands that understand their needs and align with their values. By maintaining their roots and using technology to amplify their values and aspirations, Hispanics are continuing to advance and striving to redefine the future while staying deeply connected to their cultural roots.

This report examines the impact of digital technologies on the Latinx experience and cultural expression. We uncover how, from music and television to social media and shopping, increased access to technology has fundamentally changed the U.S. Hispanic experience as well as these consumers’ lifestyles and behaviors and recommend how brands can lean in to engage with this rapidly increasing population.

注:尼尔森在本报告中使用 "拉丁裔"(Latinx)一词来表示未指定的性别。这一决定是为了更大程度地纳入女性、LGBT+ 和非二元西班牙裔,以及该术语在社交媒体和学术写作中的日益流行。
