Aussie mindsets are focused on keeping healthy as the country faces another round of lockdowns. This behaviour goes beyond avoiding COVID. In fact, for 80% of Australians, keeping themselves and their families healthy is a top priority, an 11 percentage point lift from five years prior. In addition, Australians are spending 16% more time on food and cooking websites than the equivalent period in 2019, spending over 298 hours: that’s over 12 days spent on these sites.
To maximise campaign resonance, marketers need to understand the key drivers around the increased focus and willingness to master health-conscious lifestyles, which includes: healthier food choices, drinking less alcohol and increasing their physical activity.
To optimise their health, Australians are opting for more natural ingredients and more nutritious choices, especially older generations.

As the world continues to battle the global COVID-19 pandemic, human health and wellbeing have arguably never been so front of mind for marketers and consumers alike. Adapting to a new consumer mindset around health, and a new normal is an ongoing consideration for advertisers as well as brands.

Advertising for healthy, diet food and vegetables has seen a 3x increase in the first half of 2021 compared to the previous year to engage consumers who opt for a healthier lifestyle. This increase in spend is critical for brands seeking to keep a growing number of potential consumers engaged at the right time. In fact, according to Nielsen Consumer and Media View data, almost one-in-three Australians agree that a low-fat diet is a way of life.
The food delivery category is also making its mark with consumers. Nielsen Ad Intel data shows ad spending in these areas is rising: restaurant delivery services and healthy food preparation delivery. For restaurant delivery services specifically, we are seeing an increase in spend by Ubereats, Menulog, DoorDash and Deliveroo delivery services. This coincides with consumers’ restrictions to eating out and not being able to dine in their favourite restaurants.
The second area shows ad spend increasing in the health food delivery services, such as Lite N Easy, Hello Fresh, Youfoodz and Marley Spoon. There are multiple factors contributing to the increase: more people working from home and limiting their consumption of food and beverage out of home, aspiring for new meal recipes while being able to cook quick healthy meals with less time on meal planning and preparation.
While restrictions will be lifted in the near future, consumers are being presented with an array of options, with more choice in having restaurant food delivered or choosing to expand their culinary skills and rediscovering homemade recipes in the comforts of their home.

The move to natural ingredients in food is mirrored in Australians drinking choices. Although 52% of Australians 18+ agree they are drinking less these days, many who are consuming alcohol are consuming spirits and looking for more natural ingredient options.
Beer consumption has declined slightly, and wine consumption remains stable; however, there has been an uptake of spirits, with 34% of Australians saying they have consumed spirits in the past three months.
Brands across Australia are now crafting up new booze-free options for this rising segment of consumers. With a focus on health, spirit consumers are opting for more natural choices – following good value, key consideration includes:

Despite lockdown restricting people’s ability to engage in their usual activities, Australians have been able to focus on their fitness. Sixty-six percent of Australians agree they like to get out and about and keep active, whereas it is possible.
As people become more health-driven, fitness device ownership has increased. Almost one-in-three Australians (32%) currently own a smartwatch or fitness tracker. This market is only set to grow, with 17% of Australians intending to buy a fitness tracker or smartwatch in the next 12 months.
The rise of digital fitness online health and fitness programs is also driving the need for people to stay fit during lockdown. As gym sessions and boot camps were put on hold, working out at home soon became the norm. People have transitioned from face to face sessions to online apps offering exercise and nutritional support.
According to Nielsen Ad Intel spend estimates, services such as Noom, VShred and 28 by Sam Wood are reporting significant investment in actively promoting their online health and fitness programs. These are promoted as personalised programs, complemented with wearable technology, allowing people to easily track their consumption and habits throughout the course of their program.
There is great potential for marketers to engage and to maximise campaign resonance within the growing segment of healthy-minded consumers by appealing to what matters the most to them, and by positioning themselves as a reputable source of information, especially among Boomers and pre-Boomers.
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