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Mobile Dominates Digital Ad Campaigns in the Philippines

2 minute read | February 2018

Mobile advertising dominated digital ad campaigns in the Philippines, while at the same time, on-target mobile ad performance outpaced digital ads served via desktop and digital  in 2017.

The Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Benchmarks report, which assessed more than 3,000 digital campaigns since its launch in Southeast Asia in 2015, found that in the first half of 2017, more than nine in 10 (91%) digital ad campaigns leveraged mobile, and mobile achieved higher on-target success than total digital and desktop benchmarks for all reported age benchmarks in the Philippines.

Digital ads targeting 18 to 49 year olds age bracket reached their intended audience 81% of the time for mobile, while 77% and 59% for total digital and desktop respectively.

For digital advertising campaigns intended for consumers aged 21-34, those which were served via mobile devices hit the mark 81% of the time, surpassing desktop and total digital performance which only reached audiences with 41% and 73% accuracy.

A closer look at categories also revealed that advertisers in the Consumer Packaged Goods, Business & Consumer Services, and Computers & Electronics sectors had the easiest time reaching their desired audience via mobile devices, achieving an on-target success of 83%, 82%, and 81% respectively.

Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Benchmarks and Findings Report serves as guidance for individual campaign effectiveness compared to marketplace averages across total digital, desktop-only, and mobile-only * for age and gender demographics, age spans, advertiser categories, and site-type (publishers, platforms/ad networks).


This report includes data from more than 3,000 Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings campaigns from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand measured through 30 June 2017, where the minimum number of site observations was at least 30. A site observation is defined as the performance of a campaign on one site with at least 5,000 impressions with the specified demographic as the intended audience. With sample sizes exceeding 30, it can be reasonably expected to see stable benchmarks. The average on-target percent is the number of impressions that reached the intended demographic divided by the number of total impressions in the campaign. The on-target percent is calculated by weighting each campaign by the number of impressions it contained within each category or demographic. Weighted data is used to allow site observations with higher impression counts to have a higher contribution to the final benchmarks. This provides a more statistically sound representation of average campaign performance.

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