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palm world player

4 minute read | December 2015

The first thing to wake up every day is to turn on the mobile phone to harvest the crops planted before going to bed, check whether the enemy has attacked his tribe while sleeping; fight a few times during the meal preparation time at the breakfast bar, and effectively use the commute time to patrol In which corner of the city to build another park to improve municipal satisfaction, the rest of the time will be matched with a candy explosion; during the lunch break, I will discuss with my colleagues what powerful cards we have drawn; after returning home from work, the game on the mobile phone It takes a round of play before you are willing to take a bath and sleep. Is this scene a portrayal of your life after you or your relatives and friends plunged into the world of mobile games?

The latest data from the third quarter of the Nielsen Lifestyle Survey shows that nearly 50% of Taiwanese people agree that playing computer games and surfing the Internet are their most important leisure and entertainment, and the proportion of young people aged 12 to 29 is even as high as 70%. The data not only highlights the important role the Internet plays in the lives of Taiwanese people today, but also reveals the extent to which people are crazy about gaming.

It is also observed from the data of Nielsen’s advertising monitoring service that in recent years, the investment of online game manufacturers in game advertising has continued to increase, and the investment amount has soared at a growth rate of nearly 70% every year. It broke the 1.5 billion mark every year, and as of September this year, it has accumulated 1.8 billion, surpassing the total amount in 2014. No matter from the perspective of manufacturers’ marketing operations or the change of people’s lifestyles, it is worthwhile for operators and advertisers to continue to pay attention to the development of Taiwan’s mobile game market. Nielsen will focus on mobile game players’ usage characteristics, media usage behavior and lifestyle consumption patterns. Conduct analysis to help operators or advertisers better understand the current Taiwan mobile game market and players, as a reference for marketing strategy planning.

In the third quarter of 2015, the number of mobile game players increased slightly to 4.18 million, with more female mobile game players

According to the third quarter data of the Nielsen Internet Survey, 4.18 million of Taiwan’s population aged 12-65 are mobile gamers, a slight increase of nearly 3% over the same period in 2014, accounting for 23% of the overall population. About one in four people is playing mobile games.

As far as gender and age are concerned [Figure 2], the proportion of players decreases with age. It is worth noting that the stereotype in the past always believed that men were the main players of mobile games. The survey shows that the number of players among female players On the contrary, the proportion is higher than that of men. Except that the proportion of players among males aged 12-19 is about the same as that of females, the proportion of players in other female age groups is slightly higher than that of males, and even a quarter of females aged 35-49 One person is a mobile game player, and 50-65-year-old mature women have reached 10%, showing the popularity of mobile games among female consumers and the importance of this consumer group, which is worthy of game manufacturers and advertising. The Lord pays close attention to player preferences and habits.


Seventy percent of mobile game players love puzzle games, followed by role-playing and gaming

Further understanding of the mobile game types preferred by mobile game players, we can find that the most common type of games that players usually play is the puzzle type, and its proportion is as high as 70%, which is much higher than the second role-playing game (30%). Among female mobile game players, there is a big gap between the puzzle games and the second role-playing games that are played by the most people, and it is significantly higher than that of men, indicating that the types of games that female mobile game players usually play are relatively high. Focus on a specific type of phenomenon; and since the third place in gaming, adventure, fighting, strategy simulation, shooting, and educational games, the proportion of male players is significantly higher than that of female players, which also represents men’s interest in various mobile game games. Wider acceptance and diverse styles.

The characteristics of game type preferences can also be observed by the average number of game types that each player usually plays. According to the statistics of the third quarter of the Internet Survey, the average mobile game type of each female mobile game player is about 2.1 class, male players about 2.8 class.

Want to learn more about these players? Please click “Request Download Report” on the right column to get the latest “Nielsen 2015 Taiwan Mobile Game Player Observation Report”.

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